Nucleic Acid Weight to Molar Quantity Converter

Convert effortlessly between nucleic acid weight and molar mass with this calculator.

Nucleic Acid Calculator

Nucleic Acid Weight to Molar Quantity Converter

Effortlessly Convert Between Weight and Molar Concentrations for Nucleic Acids

Important note: If you want to change the units of results after calculation, please press the Convert/Calculate button again after doing so to get accurate recalculated values.

Convert Weight to Mole:
Please click the Convert button again.
Convert Mole to Weight:
Please click the Convert button again.
Calculate Molar Concentration:


Please click the Calculate button again.
Calculate Weight from Molar Concentration:


Please click the Calculate button again.

Nucleic acids, such as DNA and RNA, are fundamental molecules in biological systems. They play crucial roles in various biological processes, including genetic information storage, transmission, and expression. Understanding the relationship between the weight and molar concentration of nucleic acids is essential for many applications in molecular biology, biochemistry, and genetics. This guide will walk you through the concepts, formulas, and usage of the Nucleic Acid Weight to Molar Quantity Conversion Calculator.

Understanding the Concepts

Nucleic Acid Types

  1. Double-stranded DNA (dsDNA): Composed of two complementary strands forming a double helix.
  2. Single-stranded DNA (ssDNA): Consists of a single strand of DNA.
  3. RNA: Single-stranded molecule involved in protein synthesis and gene regulation.
  4. Oligonucleotide (olig): Short DNA or RNA molecules, often used as probes or primers in laboratory techniques.

Calculations and Formulas

Molecular Weight Calculation

The molecular weight of nucleic acids is calculated based on the type and size of the molecule. The molecular weights used in the calculator are:

  • dsDNA: 650 Daltons per base pair (bp)
  • ssDNA: 330 Daltons per nucleotide
  • RNA: 340 Daltons per nucleotide

For oligonucleotides, the molecular weight is provided by the user.

The formula to calculate the molecular weight is:

Molecular Weight = Molecular Weight per Unit × Number of Units

For example, for dsDNA with a size of 1 kb (1000 bp):

Molecular Weight = 650 Da/bp × 1000 bp = 650000 Da

Weight to Molar Conversion

To convert weight to moles, the following formula is used:

Moles = Weight (in grams) / Molecular Weight (in Da)

Since weight can be provided in different units, it is first converted to grams.

Mole to Weight Conversion

To convert moles to weight, the following formula is used:

Weight (in grams) = Moles × Molecular Weight (in Da)

Molar Concentration Calculation

Molar concentration is calculated using the formula:

Molarity (M) = Weight (in grams) / (Molecular Weight (in Da) × Volume (in liters))

Weight from Molar Concentration

To find the weight from a given molar concentration, the formula is:

Weight (in grams) = Molarity (M) × Molecular Weight (in Da) × Volume (in liters)

Using the Calculator

Select Nucleic Acid Type: Choose the type of nucleic acid (dsDNA, ssDNA, RNA, or oligonucleotide).

Enter Size or Molecular Weight:

  • For dsDNA, ssDNA, and RNA, enter the size in base pairs (bp) or kilobase pairs (kb).
  • For oligonucleotides, enter the molecular weight in kilodaltons (kDa).

Convert Weight to Moles:

  • Enter the weight and select the appropriate unit.
  • Click the “Convert” button to get the number of moles and the number of molecules.

Convert Moles to Weight:

  • Enter the number of moles and select the appropriate unit.
  • Click the “Convert” button to get the weight and molecular weight.

Calculate Molar Concentration:

  • Enter the weight and select the appropriate unit.
  • Enter the volume and select the appropriate unit.
  • Click the “Calculate” button to get the molar concentration.

Calculate Weight from Molar Concentration:

  • Enter the molarity and select the appropriate unit.
  • Enter the volume and select the appropriate unit.
  • Click the “Calculate” button to get the weight.

Example Calculations

Example 1: Converting Weight to Moles for dsDNA

  • Type: dsDNA
  • Size: 2 kb
  • Weight: 10 µg
  1. Convert weight to grams:
10 µg = 10 × 10⁻⁶ g = 0.00001 g
  1. Calculate molecular weight:
Molecular Weight = 650 Da/bp × 2000 bp = 1300000 Da
  1. Convert weight to moles:
Moles = 0.00001 g / 1300000 Da = 7.69 × 10⁻¹² mol
  1. Number of molecules:
Molecules = 7.69 × 10⁻¹² mol × 6.022 × 10²³ = 4.63 × 10¹² molecules

Example 2: Calculating Molar Concentration for RNA

  • Type: RNA
  • Size: 500 bp
  • Weight: 5 µg
  • Volume: 100 µL
  1. Convert weight to grams:
5 µg = 5 × 10⁻⁶ g = 0.000005 g
  1. Convert volume to liters:
100 µL = 100 × 10⁻⁶ L = 0.0001 L
  1. Calculate molecular weight:
Molecular Weight = 340 Da/nt × 500 nt = 170000 Da
  1. Calculate molarity:
Molarity = 0.000005 g / (170000 Da × 0.0001 L) = 2.94 × 10⁻⁷ M

The Nucleic Acid Weight to Molar Quantity Conversion Calculator is a valuable tool for scientists and researchers working with nucleic acids. By understanding the underlying concepts and formulas, you can effectively use this calculator to convert between weight and molar concentrations, calculate molarities, and determine molecular quantities. This guide has provided you with a detailed explanation of the calculations and usage, ensuring you can make the most of this powerful tool in your research and experiments.

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